I begynnelsen var Ordet, och Ordet var hos Gud, och Ordet var Gud. (Joh 1:1) "In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God." (John. 1:1) KJV
Ordet Alfa och Omega
Välkommen till min blogg! Här kommer jag att skriva om min Herre och Frälsare, Jesus Kristus och om min pilgrimsvandring med Honom.
Bibelcitat hämtade ur 1917 års svenska översättning och engelska KJV. (Om inget annat anges.)
Welcome to my blog! Here I´m going to write about my Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ, and my pilgrimage with Him.
Bible citations are from the 1917 Swedish translation and the English KJV. (Unless otherwise stated.)
onsdag 28 februari 2024
fredag 23 februari 2024
Listen to Tammie and Kenny Vaughan
in The Right Fight podcast:
This episode reminds me of when my youngest dauhter was about 5 or 6 y, and fell backwards down a staircase of stone. She screemed just as she fell but the screem suddenly stopped and we didn't hear her hit the ground. One of my nieces and I ran down the stairs to the basement to check how it went. It felt like my heart had stopped beating and I expected the worse scenario.
But my daughter just said: "Mom, I didn't get hurt!"
No blood, no bump, not a bruice, no nothing! Such a miracle!
I am absolutely surtaine that one of God´s
angels from Heaven catched her!
For he shall give his angels charge over thee, to keep thee in all thy ways.
They shall bear thee up in their hands, lest thou dash thy foot against a stone.
📖 Psalm 91:11-12
✞ ⚓ ♡