Ordet Alfa och Omega

Välkommen till min blogg! Här kommer jag att skriva om min Herre och Frälsare, Jesus Kristus och om min pilgrimsvandring med Honom.

Bibelcitat hämtade ur 1917 års svenska översättning och engelska KJV. (Om inget annat anges.)

Welcome to my blog! Here I´m going to write about my Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ, and my pilgrimage with Him.

Bible citations are from the 1917 Swedish translation and the English KJV. (Unless otherwise stated.)

torsdag 16 november 2023

Miscarriage of Justice! John 18:28-34

Amen and amen! Jesus was not cast down, satan was and he knows that he is defeated and will burn forever and ever. He knows his days are numbered. You who worship him need to know that though he is a liar, he is real, he is not a cool fantasy figure like The Phantom, Batman, Superman or any of these fantasy heroes. He´s a bully and he hates you, he´s laughing hard at you for having him as your idol. 

But Jesus Christ, who was lifted up, nailed to a wooden cross, 
died for you because He loves you! He is a real Hero, in fact He is the way, the truth and the life and all who in their heart believes in Him, and confess with their mouth that He is the Lord of their life, shall also be lifted up to our heavenly Father and live forever in His peace! 

If you don´t know Jesus, seek Him and He will let you find Him, because He longs to know you, save you and have a relation with you! Yes you! 
If you think that you have done many bad things and things that can´t be forgiven, I have really good news for you; 
You are forgiven! 

God bless you! 


That if thou shalt confess with thy mouth the Lord Jesus, and shalt believe in thine heart that God hath raised him from the dead. thou shalt be saved. 

For with the heart man believeth unto rightheousness; and with the mouth confession is made unto salvation. 

📖 Romans 10:9-10


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