Ordet Alfa och Omega

Välkommen till min blogg! Här kommer jag att skriva om min Herre och Frälsare, Jesus Kristus och om min pilgrimsvandring med Honom.

Bibelcitat hämtade ur 1917 års svenska översättning och engelska KJV. (Om inget annat anges.)

Welcome to my blog! Here I´m going to write about my Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ, and my pilgrimage with Him.

Bible citations are from the 1917 Swedish translation and the English KJV. (Unless otherwise stated.)

lördag 18 november 2017

Morning prayer

Sunrise 05-07-2017 at 4:45 am

Good morning God! You who are the Father of all of us!

Thank You for a new day with new opportunities to show people the way to You and tell them the good news, that You who created us also died for all of us. To save our souls for eternity! Yes Holy Father, You descended to the earth as a human being and took Your dwelling among us. Heavenly Father I thank You, I honor You and I praise You! For Your endless love, grace and mercy! 

Father forgive me for those days when I chose the way of comfort instead of going in Your prepared deeds! Father, You asked me years ago to go, when you said to me; "Talitha cumi"! Yes Lord, I do want to go and to serve You! To win souls for the increasing of Your Kingdom! Father, please help me in my litle faith and create in me a clean and humble heart! 

Thank You Father for the day that was yesterday, when I got the oppurtunity to be a blessing for people in different situations! Lord, You know about them! Thank You for even today giving me new oppurtunities to evangelize, to lay my hands on people whom are sick and hurt to ask for healing and uprightness in the name of Jesus Christ! 

Thank You Father for urging me to go to whereever You will lead me!

Lord bless and protect my close and loved ones and everyone reading this! 


(It´s not morning any longer. It´s midday. But this prayer is still valid.)

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