Ordet Alfa och Omega

Välkommen till min blogg! Här kommer jag att skriva om min Herre och Frälsare, Jesus Kristus och om min pilgrimsvandring med Honom.

Bibelcitat hämtade ur 1917 års svenska översättning och engelska KJV. (Om inget annat anges.)

Welcome to my blog! Here I´m going to write about my Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ, and my pilgrimage with Him.

Bible citations are from the 1917 Swedish translation and the English KJV. (Unless otherwise stated.)

lördag 16 december 2017

The Lord is forever on the throne,

Yes, God reigns forever and for all eternity, we shall live with Him who is our Creator and Father. Our Lord and Savior who saved us by grace. By grace and mercy. So loving and good is He, who descended to us to take the punishment himself. Like the loving parent He is He does everything for his children. He took our place in the judgement of punishment.

What do we, His children, do for Him? Do we praise him and give him glory? Do we thank Him? Do we stand up for Him? Do we honor Him with our lifes? Do we live our lifes clean not to hurt Him? Are  we doing His will? Do we tell people we meet about Him? We´ve got a "march order" that sounds "Go out into the world and preach the gospel for all that is created and make all people to my disciples. Baptize them in the name of the Father, the Son, and Holy Spirit."

Are we still waiting to hear the command "Accomplish!" or have we started our march as soldiers in the Lord's army? Are we ready for the Lord's second coming? If He's coming today or tonight...

Only the Father knows the day and the time! Get ready! Ask for boldness if you feel you don´t have it. If we are only willing to let us be used by God, he will help us. Go in the power of the Lord Jesus Christ and be blessed!

Peace be with you!

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