Ordet Alfa och Omega

Välkommen till min blogg! Här kommer jag att skriva om min Herre och Frälsare, Jesus Kristus och om min pilgrimsvandring med Honom.

Bibelcitat hämtade ur 1917 års svenska översättning och engelska KJV. (Om inget annat anges.)

Welcome to my blog! Here I´m going to write about my Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ, and my pilgrimage with Him.

Bible citations are from the 1917 Swedish translation and the English KJV. (Unless otherwise stated.)

tisdag 30 januari 2018

God´s unfathomable ways

Have you thought about what people it is that you have in your nearby and why? Have you thought about why it, in particular, are those people who are part of your family, your church, those who are your friends, schoolmates, your coworkers, association comrades, neighbors or the people you meet in the street, in the store, while traveling, at the bank, the gym, the beach etc etc. Yes, the list can be made long. Have you ever thought about this? The answer is, they are there, not by accident. No, they are there because God sent them to you, for a purpose.

God sends us, not the people we want, but the people we need and on time. People to help, to comfort, support, to shape us, to find a way out of difficultes.We do not always see it when it happens, maybe not at all. But one day we will see everything in a completely different light than here on earth. 

God´s ways are unfathomable. We are here on earth to find our way home to God, to whom we belong. God made us and he longs for a relationship with us. He loves us so much, no love is comparable. In fact, God's love is not measurable. A relationship with him is the most important thing ever for us and forever and ever. 

So, thank God for the persons in your life. Not only those you love and who loves you back, but even those you feel hard to have in your life and to meet and have to do with. Ask God for the ability to look at people with his eyes. 

Remember; God also sent you into other peoples lifes! 

For a purpose! 

You are chosen! 

By God! 


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